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Eligibility condition:

  • Benefit from a work contract for an indefinite period, or for a fixed term but which must be greater than that of the credit requested;
  • Open a current account at our partner banks in the DRC;
  • Instruct his employer to pay his salary to one of our partner banks and have proof of transfer of at least one month's salary;.
  • Be an employee of a company pre-approved for credits at one of our partner banks.

Documentation to be provided to the bank:

  • Credit application letter;
  • Irrevocable commitment letter for salary domiciliation and final statement;
  • Copy of the employment contract;
  • Assurance;
  • 3 last payslips;
  • Loan agreement
  • Estimated final count;

How to Subscribe

  • Go to the branch of our nearest partner bank or to one of the UAC stores;
  • Complete the subscription form with UAC and deposit it at the bank with your credit application letter.

NB: the reimbursement amount must not exceed 33.3% of the applicant's net monthly salary.

For any information related to the EASY PURCHASE product, do not hesitate to contact us at the numbers:


as well as at: marketing@kincorp.uacrdc.com


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109, Avenue Kwango, Entrance INA, Gombe, Kinshasa, DR Congo

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